The Archetype Heritage

The official, un-official version of the myth of the historically elusive Col. Angus


It all began one cold November morning in 1878…

when Charles Angus walked into his barn and was surprised at the sight of an abandoned newborn child in one of his horse stalls. He quickly summoned his wife Martha who was busy gathering eggs in the chicken coop. She marveled at the sight of this child whom she had a feeling was “special” and a “gift from God”. Since they had no children, they decided to keep and raise him as their own. They named him Jacob.


When Jacob was 4 years old, being the precocious child he was, he picked up his father’s rifle and hunted his first game. He made several kills and it was buffalo season, so that year the family had enough food to eat for several months. It’s suspected the young Jacob singlehandedly hunted the American buffalo to near extinction.
When he was 5 he had his first taste of whiskey. He didn’t like the spirits available at the time so he began distilling his own. Word got around of his superb nectar and soon people came from miles around to get a taste of it. Knowing he had a gold mine of a product but being still only 5 years old, he decided to give away the recipe. He gave it to a struggling drifter who came passing through one day asking for a handout.
That struggling drifter went by the name Jack Daniel.


When a full beard grew in by age seven he began to notice that it made grown women shiver in their knickers when they stroked it. As he was always taught to respect his elders, he made sure to show those ladies a proper time and never said no. His mother was not too pleased but it was evident that he was already a ladies’ man.
At age fourteen he chose the nomadic life and took to the open sea. He traveled abroad influencing pillaging pirates, foreign dignitaries and romancing women along the way. Everywhere he went he had women swooning and men struggling to imitate his charm. Women just couldn’t keep their hands off his damn beard. For some reason, the Southern ladies took to calling him “Colonel” Angus. They must’ve enjoyed how it rolled off the tongue. The name stuck and since then being a gentleman was redefined.
In his lifetime and travels he learned and excelled at various trades and disciplines. He was known to be a skilled farmer, successful business man, philosopher, writer, land surveyor, musician, woodworker, blacksmith, inventor, and alchemist. But his winning achievement and ultimate contribution to the world came with his creation of beard oil and balm.
Here is the product of Col. Angus’ legacy. Archetype.